Blogathon Word Cloud Day and a little on next weeks fun!

wordcloud_8_fullWords, words, words. Today is all about words in a pretty picture.

It’s been a really interesting month. At the start I didn’t know if I would be able to finish this. Here I am though!  Finish line!

I’m looking forward to the next month with the Tour de Fleece and working on other projects.
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Next week Van and I are going up to Haliburton School of the Arts to take courses and have a little vacation. I’m taking one on business for artists and Van is taking one on travel and landscape photography.

The school is a great place and has many great classes and teachers. This is where my spinning certificate program is held at the end of August. It’s going to be a different experience going to this class. Normally there are only two classes going on when I’m in my spinning class. It’s us and a group of kids. The place is pretty quiet! It will be interesting being there when there are so many other classes happening.

Rounding third and heading for home

This is the last week for the blogathon. It’s been a very interesting experience so far.

It has taught me a few things that will be valuable coming up and for continuing working on this blog.

A good tip my partner gave me was to plan an outline for the month and assign topics to each day. That way I wouldn’t be struggling to find something to talk about all the time.

Another useful tool was a calendar add-in for WordPress which allows me to enter in those topics and work on posts when I have time. It’s great being able to bank posts for days that I know I won’t be able to write something and for when I’m away.
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I was surprised by how long some of the posts took me to get done. I was thinking all the posts would be about an hour to do. Some took 3 and 4 hours to do in total. Part of that is getting research done, taking pictures, things like that.

Going forward I’m going to try shortening the time it takes to write a post, but I’ll leave it take as long as I think a post warrants. Some topics will need more work on them.

Right now I’m planning on blogging twice a week once the blogathon is over. I’m aiming for Tuesdays and Fridays. I’ll try that for a while and see if it needs changing.